25 nov 2009


Esta cancion la escuche ya ahce un rato, pero presisamente hoy caminando a casa despues de la escuela ... me llego.
La escuche 4 veces seguidas y todas y cada una de esas veces se me enchinaba la piel... quizas por el frio... o quizas por que en verdad la letra, el ritmo, y obvio la voz de Chester erizo hasta el vello mas delgado de mi repugnante ser.

Sonara muy "hippi en viaje acido"... pero hoy me siento pleno... completo... FELIZ

Tocayo, Tronco Inutil, Perrilla Sarnineta, Putita, Tacos, Fadul, Hippie...
en verdad GRACIAS

FIRE - Dead By Sunrise

No need to hear your voice 
Or see your face
To know that you are with me!
No need to kiss your lips
Or hold your hand
To know that you can feel me!
I know that you can feel me!!

When I look to the stars
I know just where you are
You're looking down upon me!
(You're looking down upon me!)
When I look to the stars
I know just where you are
You're looking down upon me!
(You're looking down upon me!)

No need to get locked up
Inside the past
I know that isn't changing!

No need to let you go Or say goodbye
I know that you'll be waiting!!
I know that you'll be waiting!!

When I look to the stars
I know just where you are
You're looking down upon me!
(You're looking down upon me!)
When I look to the stars
I know just where you are
You're looking down upon me!
(You're looking down upon me!)

On the other side!

On the other side!

I've got to
Find a way
To keep my pain from burning

Down to the bone

I've got to
Find a way!
To keep my pain from burning!

Down to the bone!

Down to the bone!

When I look to the stars
I know just where you are
You're looking down upon me!
(You're looking down upon me!)
When I look to the stars
I know just where you are
You're looking down upon me!
(You're looking down upon me!)

You're looking down upon me!!

La cancion es tan buena que no pude elegir un unico verso para postear... tenia que ponerla TODA!


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